Bringing Brands to Life


An Aurora is a natural light show, where magnetic forces give light energy, making it move across the sky. You may have your Customer Proposition defined, and a Brand Plan in place to deliver it, but now the work has to be done. When you go into execution mode, that is when it all comes together. Initiatives go live.  Ultimately, our BrandAlive™ system means that you should have all three components in place to bring a brand to life – the strategy, the plan and execution. Once you start executing the right strategy and the right plan behind it, ‘the lights go on’.  We can help execute the entire plan, or components of it.

Depending on your organizational structure, you may not have the people resources to action your entire Brand Plan. Our experience with both leading and executing marketing initiatives, across large and small organizations, give us the skills to help you get the work done.

We can help you wherever you need it. We could work with your existing marketing department, or we could be your marketing department  for a given time period, and then transfer the skills to others in your organization.  We can roll up our sleeves and get the work done ourselves, or work with partners to execute any marketing initiatives. We can also help beyond marketing, with the execution of the Organizational Plan, which brings the Customer Proposition fully to life,  if needed. Ultimately, depending on the state of your Marketing Department,  Lumena’s Aurora product could mean saving time and money, realizing your goals, and ultimately ‘Bringing Your Brand to Life’

We can execute, or work with partners to execute, the following key elements which may be included in a Brand Plan:


  •   Brand Naming
  •   Brand Design – Logo,
  •   Packaging, Creative


  •   Ad Campaigns and PR
  •   Consumer & Trade Promotions
  •   Lead Generation


  •   Website Development
  •   SEO & SEM
  •   Online Advertising
  •   Social Media

Loyalty Programs

  • Rewards programs for customer retention


  • Pricing Plan Execution

Organizational Execution

  • Sales & Distribution
  • Front-Line EE Service
  • Other Areas execution of Customer Value Proposition


Product application

Lumena Products apply to Corporate Brands and their sub-brands, individual Product Brands, or Retail Private Label Brands, except for ‘Category’ Products which apply to Retailer Merchandising Categories. All Products can apply to brands that are New(Launch) or Existing(Invigoration). We also specialize in defense plans for major competitive entries, and we can work with individuals on their Personal Brands.

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