Bringing Brands to Life


Once you have a Category Strategy and Plan, you may find  you need help executing one or several category plans.  We can help execute any component, including Buying, Store Merchandising, and Category Marketing. Our work on retail categories  includes launches or ongoing support of Private Label programs.

With our depth of retail marketing and merchandising experience, we can help you bring a category plan to market successfully, either ourselves, or working with your existing staff.

We can help you execute category plans in the following areas:

  1. Buying – including the execution of Buying and Vendor Management, Pricing, and In-Stock position.
  2. Store Merchandising – helping you execute on in-store merchandising programs.
  3. Category Marketing – helping you execute any element of the category marketing plan, including executing plans for launches or ongoing support of Private Label Programs.
Product application

Lumena Products apply to Corporate Brands and their sub-brands, individual Product Brands, or Retail Private Label Brands, except for ‘Category’ Products which apply to Retailer Merchandising Categories. All Products can apply to brands that are New(Launch) or Existing(Invigoration). We also specialize in defense plans for major competitive entries, and we can work with individuals on their Personal Brands.

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