CategoryPlan takes your overall Category Management Strategy for any given category and breaks this into a detailed CategoryPlan covering Buying, Store Merchandising, and Category Marketing. Within the context of a category’s strategy, which includes areas of focus such as category retailer and price perception role, a CategoryPlan is developed. This includes specific plans around product, pricing, retail assortment and private label mix within that, in-store merchandising, promotions, service, and in-stock position. Linked to the plan will be category financial targets, and resource requirements, in particular marketing$ to promote the category. We can also take a portfolio view of all the category plans to ensure the balance and type of effort is right between individual categories.
As a retailer, employing Category Management principles will ensure that your effort and $ go into the right categories for maximum ROI. CategoryPlan takes the strategies and shows you how to action them. Importantly, given our expertise in Brand Management, we will make sure that any category strategies and plans will ultimately support your company’s Customer Value Proposition, and that Marketing and Category Management activities are integrated.
A CategoryPlan for one, several, or all retail categories. We can also provide a roll-up view of all category plans to ensure activities and investments are balanced. Specifically CategoryPlan entails:
Lumena Products apply to Corporate Brands and their sub-brands, individual Product Brands, or Retail Private Label Brands, except for ‘Category’ Products which apply to Retailer Merchandising Categories. All Products can apply to brands that are New(Launch) or Existing(Invigoration). We also specialize in defense plans for major competitive entries, and we can work with individuals on their Personal Brands.