Bringing Brands to Life


Lumena sees Market Research as a way of illuminating an organization around what their customers are thinking, either about their brand, competitor brands or the category at large. We have experience with all types of market research and can implement it for you. As we work on a project with you, we can help determine whether market research may be necessary or optimal.

Market Research can help you balance your instincts and experience, with what customers and potential customers are thinking about your category and your brand. At the right times, customer research can either uncover entirely new ideas, or can validate your ideas before you invest significant monies into developing and launching them. Our deep experience in both brand and category management, and within large and small organizations, allows us to be practical in our research work depending on the company’s size, scope and budget. Part of this comes from making sure we tap into the deep and rich insights that you and your own employees have about your business and your customers.

Once we have identified and agreed on a customer research need, we can work with your existing market research partners or our own, to perform any type of research you require. Some examples of that are:

  • Unmet Needs Identification including Consumer Insight work for new product development or brand launch
  • Concept testing for new products
  • Useage and attitude studies to understand consumer behaviour and perception and useage of your and competitor brands within a category
  • Regular Brand Equity measurement, including customer loyalty scores.
  • Brand Awareness tracking


Product application

Lumena Products apply to Corporate Brands and their sub-brands, individual Product Brands, or Retail Private Label Brands, except for ‘Category’ Products which apply to Retailer Merchandising Categories. All Products can apply to brands that are New(Launch) or Existing(Invigoration). We also specialize in defense plans for major competitive entries, and we can work with individuals on their Personal Brands.

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