Lumena is based on the word Lumen, which is the measure of luminous power or light intensity. The name was chosen in part because of the idea of light and lighting up a brand as a signal that it had come to life, but also, its basis being one of measurement mirrors our belief in the importance of measurement and results-orientation. While we offer measurement of the ROI of individual initiatives in our Execution products, here we offer the set-up of metrics for key brand management strategic metrics. We do Organizational Scorecards to track the organization’s progress against implementing the Customer Proposition. We also offer Brand Equity statements that ensure that customers are seeing your Customer Proposition come life and as importantly, valuing your brand, shown through brand awareness and image, key value metrics, and customer acquisition and retention.
By formalizing the tracking of key metrics, you will focus yourself and the organization on a results-oriented and return on investment culture. Reporting on financials is not enough. It is critical to understand the customer dynamics behind them – customer acquisition, retention, and up-sell/cross-sell. Understanding how you are performing on these three key measures is critical to ensuring you grow profitably, in the short and long term. Tracking your brand equity is a way to track the value of your brand and how it grows over time. Making brands more valuable is what our work is ultimately about. On a complimentary basis, to help Lumena help you zone in on the right brand priorities, you can gain access to and initial assessment of the strength of your brand, through our Brand Lumen Index.
In addition to applying metrics to all of our individual products so you can measure their success, Lumena’s Metrics products within Strategy offer formalized scorecards to track the success of your overall positioning, and the marketing and organizational activities to support it:
Lumena Products apply to Corporate Brands and their sub-brands, individual Product Brands, or Retail Private Label Brands, except for ‘Category’ Products which apply to Retailer Merchandising Categories. All Products can apply to brands that are New(Launch) or Existing(Invigoration). We also specialize in defense plans for major competitive entries, and we can work with individuals on their Personal Brands.